Return on Capital Employed: Its Definition and Formula


Return on capital employed is known as a financial ratio that helps in measuring the profitability of the company. It also includes the efficiency of the company to utilize its capital. Well, in much simpler words, return on capital employed measures the company’s ability to generate the profit on the basis of their capital.  It’s one of the important ratios that are mostly used by investors to screen the companies at the time of investment.

Return on Capital Employed: What are the Basics that you Must Understand?



Return on capital employed or ROCE is known for long term profitability ratio. This is basically showing the company is efficiently using assets. It’s also evaluated the company’s longevity, and that’s why its much useful ratio as compare to return on equity.

The ROCE have two calculations that are important, including capital employed and operating profit. Net profit is also known as Earning before interest and taxes or EBIT. It is mostly reporting the statement on income as it shows the company’s profit generation on the basis of their operation. Well for calculating EBIT, adding interest and taxes into net income,

For ROCE, there is a simple calculation that can be done using this formula

ROCE: EBIT/ Capital Employed

Here EBIT: Earnings before interest and tax

Capital employed: Total assets – current liabilities

For example:

If the company is operating the net profit of $100,000, where the total asset is $100,000, and the current liability is $25000.

As comparing it to the formula can be calculated:

1.33 = $ 100,000/ $100,00-%25,000

As its cab be noticed that the return of the company is 1.33. That means, every dollar invested in their employed capital, the company earns the profit of $1.33.

Learn How to Calculate ROCE

ROCE is an efficient metric when it comes to comparing the profitability of different companies based on the capital they are using. There are two metrics that are needed for doing the calculation which Is earning from interest as well as tax and capital interest. EBIT or Earning before interest and tax, also called operating income. It also indicates the income that the company generate from their operation, excluding the interest and taxes.

Well, here capital employed is the company’s total amount of capital which is used in order to get the profit. It also sums the debt liabilities and shareholder’s equity.

What can ROCE tell?

ROCE can use for comparing the performance of the different companies in the sense of capital-intensive sectors, including telecoms and utilities. Unlike return on equity, which basically focuses on analyzing the common equity ‘s profits of the company, ROCE considers other things such as liability and debt.

The major benefit of ROCE is getting compare the certain kind in the business. This method can help in understanding the financial performance of the company and also help in noticing the points where it’s lacking. By these, companies can’t just understand the reasons but can work on it to boost the performance in terms of financially. It also shows how much company is working positively by every single penny utilization of the capital.

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